The AMRC Training Centre delivered a work experience course for a group of enthusiastic young people not in education, employment and training (NEET) from the local Jobcentres. They were based at the AMRC Training Centre for two weeks of a six week programme.  During their two weeks at the Training Centre they were fully integrated with the existing apprentices and were given a number of machining tasks to complete.

They were rightly proud of the products they were making under the direction of the AMRC Training Centres dedicated trainers, who were all extremely impressed with the exceptional work ethic of the whole group.  Every one of them produced work to the high standards required of AMRC Training Centre apprentices.

Junaidh Dudha, 24 from Sheffield Jobcentre said: “We are coming to the end of our two weeks work experience programme and have been working on our own projects, with support from the AMRC trainers.  I hope to get an apprenticeship in electrical engineering, as although I have worked in electrical installation in the past I lack the qualifications needed to get a job in this area.  I would love to do my apprenticeship at the AMRC Training Centre as the facilities are absolutely fantastic!”

This view was echoed by the rest of the group who when asked if they would like to become apprentices themselves, every one of them said they would.  If they succeed on their six week course, the next step will be to attend an apprentice assessment day at the AMRC Training Centre .  If they are successful and accepted on to an apprenticeship there is even the eventual possibility of access to degree level study.