Niamh Brodigan
Published on 11/11/2024
Name: Niamh Brodigan, 21
Job title: Structural engineer apprentice
Employer: Portakabin
Studying: Manufacturing technology degree apprenticeship
Winner of the Higher/Degree Apprentice of the Year award at the Rotherham Apprentice of the Year Awards 2024
Q. Why did an apprenticeship appeal to you?
I wanted to learn whilst gaining experience because I learn better when I can put it into practice due to being dyslexic. It’s the best way for me to learn. I knew an apprenticeship route would help me gain experience and be well-rounded to achieve everything I aim for.
Q. How do you think your apprenticeship will give you the skills and knowledge you need for a rewarding career?
I’m gaining knowledge not only from my lectures, but also additional knowledge and practical skills from my colleagues that I can utilise within my job role. This also allows me to better understand my company’s product and provides me an edge as I work towards my higher aspiration of being a regional manager.
Q. What was the best part about doing an apprenticeship at the AMRC Training Centre?
I also enjoy the relationship I have with the teachers in the learning environment at the AMRC Training Centre. They know my strengths and weaknesses, and are always present to support me.
Q. Who inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?
My inspiration to become an engineer was and still is my grandad. He had an amazing career within engineering and I got to hear many stories about it. My interest grew from talking about the problems he had to solve at his job and how he went about them – that’s where my passion comes from.
I love a challenge and using my problem-solving skills, so this just became a natural career path for me. I also wanted to be the person young girls can look up to and see that STEM is a great pathway that wants more women to be a part of it, and that it’s completely achievable.
Q. What tips and/or advice would you give to other people looking to do an apprenticeship?
The best advice I can give is to take every opportunity to learn or put yourself out there as it will help you in the future and use your calendar to plan out your time, balancing everything can be hard if you don't plan this.
Inspired to start your apprenticeship journey?