The latest report said AMRC Training Centre staff set high expectations for behaviour and act as professional role models. They relate professional behaviour to the hazardous nature of the workplace and the need to stay safe.

The University of Sheffield's AMRC Training Centre, which is part of the AMRC Group in Rotherham, was judged as ‘exceptional’ under 'Behaviour and attitudes' and ‘good’ in the rest of areas following Ofsted's full inspection.
Apprentices are very positive about their experiences. They are proud of the skills and knowledge that they acquire. AMRC Training Centre apprentices enjoy being part of both the university and their company’s workforce. It was also highlighted that they develop their knowledge and skills well, and this supports them in their continued employment. AMRC Training Centre apprentices quickly become valued employees.
Inspectors praised the centre’s leaders and managers for ‘successfully creating an inclusive culture of high expectations throughout the apprenticeship provision’ and for carefully planning the development of apprenticeship provision in a way that is ‘well aligned’ to the needs of employers. Full report available here.